Pyrography & Designs


Wedding Gift Ideas

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Whether you take pride in being a great gift giver or require a bit of inspo, shopping for the best wedding gifts is a particular skill unto itself. Unlike anniversary gifts and engagement gifts, theyre usually home related—think practical appliances and stylish decor as a way to set the newlyweds up for success.

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Patriotic Gift Ideas

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Celebrate 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day and other national holidays by showing your American pride with patriotic gifts and home décor you can personalize at Personalization Mall.

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Pet Murals

Titus the Dog

I offer a variety of custom pyrography styles with your dogs or cat's lovely face on them. All you have to do is choose a style to customize, send a photo of your best friend, and I will take care of the rest.

Cleo the Cat

My Story...


I am a graphic designer Monday through Friday and LOVE to Pyrograph on the weekends. I started to draw and design back in 1987 and continue to this day. Since i was young, Art has been my passion and continues to makes me happy to this day.

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